Vertigo is a medical condition where a person feels dizzy, or that they are spinning when they are not.
It can be an extremely debilitating condition as it often involves nausea, vomiting, and can cause a person to be unable to go about their daily activities. There are a variety of causes of vertigo, some as simple as a slight shift of structures within the inner ear, or as complicated as stroke or injury to the central nervous system.
Physiotherapy is an effective option for treating vertigo and vestibular issues. The therapists that treat vertigo have undergone additional training and specialization in vestibular rehabilitation. If the therapist determines that the cause of vertigo is a BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo), they are able to perform a maneuver of the head and neck (an Epley maneuver) to re-align the structure of the inner ear to stop the spinning. If the vertigo is more complex, the therapist may develop a program that includes various combinations of exercise for neural re-organization and manual therapy to treat the neck and adjacent structures.